Kenya Forest Service

Kenya Forest Service is a state corporation that was created through the Forest Act, 2005 (now repealed). The Service derives her mandate from the Forest Conservation and Management Act (FCMA), 2016.

Strategic Objectives

  1. To rehabilitate degraded natural forest areas, develop and conserve all public natural forests
  2. To restock and sustainably manage all public forest plantations
  3. To increase forest cover outside public forest areas
  4. To protect and secure public forests and other corporate assets
  5. To strengthen capacity for efficient utilization of resources and effective service delivery

Our Mission

Conservation, sustainable development, management and utilization of the country’s forest resources for equitable benefit of present and future generations.

Our Vision

To be an internationally recognized organisation for excellence in knowledge-based sustainable forest resources management and conservation.

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Functions of the Kenya Forest Service

In carrying out its mandate, the functions of KFS include among others:

Our Core Values

Teamwork: The Service will embrace mutual support and respect, active participation, and collective responsibility, open communication, information sharing and mentoring.
Results Oriented: The Service will pursue timely attainment of targeted results at all levels.
Equity: The Service will promote the virtues of equity and fair play for equitable and sustainable development.
Excellence: Challenge to the highest level of verifiable performance, to create the greatest impact.
Integrity: The Service and staff shall ascribe to high standards of personal integrity, ethics, transparency together with individual and corporate and accountability in the conduct of business.
Scientific principles and professionalism: Decision making and practice will be based on current scientific knowledge and best practice.
Creativity and Innovation: The Service will encourage and reward creativity and innovativeness in work performance among staff.

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Forest Cover

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Engaged Communities

Our Guiding Principles

The development and realisation of the strategic objectives are guided by the following principles:

Public good: Taking into consideration the multiple roles played by forests, and that all forests, irrespective of ownership, must serve a common good for present and future generations.

Ecosystem approach: Adoption of an integrated ecosystem approach to conserving and managing forest resources, paying particular attention to ecologically fragile areas.

Sustainable forest management: Sustainable management of all forest resources to yield social, economic and ecological goods and services for current and future generations.




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